

何会玲,曾用名何慧玲,笔名何人之,斋名荟萃楼,1976年生于浙江台州。她自幼酷爱美术,1999年毕业于沈阳大学师范学院美术系,2003年毕业于浙江师范大学美术学院,2019年,进修于“海上画派”梅若教授的集羽楼。 作品多次参展并入选“庆祝建党100周年——中国当代艺术名家展风采”主题邮册。何会玲一直从事于中小学美术教育,她是钟山书画社成员,一江山印社理事。“国版油雕转一遭,诗书画印得皮毛!” 以此自诩,唯衷情国画山水。 正所谓: “仁者乐山、智者乐水。”人非圣贤,孰能无惑,传道解惑者,凡事有度,过犹不及。不忘初心,找回“哲学三问”,不枉此生,不负“灵魂工程师”之美誉!立志为艺术教育事业耕耘一生,为公益环保奉献所有能量。

He Huiling, whose Pen-name is He Renzhi, was born in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province in 1976. She has been interested in the Fine Arts since childhood. She graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Normal College of Shenyang University in 1999, and from the Fine Arts College of Zhejiang Normal University in 2003. In 2019, she made further study in the Ji-Yu Building of Professor MeiRuo of "Sea Painting School". Her art works have been exhibited many times and selected into the Stamp Album themed "Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China -- Style Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art Masters".He Huiling has been engaged in art education in primary and secondary schools. She is a member of Zhongshan Painting and Calligraphy Association, and the director of Yijiangshan Seal Society."I have studied traditional Chinese painting, printmaking, oil painting and sculpture, and I have also learned poetry, calligraphy and seal cutting, but only grasped the surface of them." She has learned a lot, but she is only keen on the traditional Chinese landscape painting. Just as the saying goes: "the benevolent enjoy the mountains, the wise delight in the water."  No one is a sage, who can claim to have no doubts  One who preaches and dispels doubts should know that everything has its limits, too much is as bad as too little. Never forget the original intention, and get back the famous "Three questions of philosophy". Never waste this lifetime, and live up to the reputation of "Engineer of Human Soul".  He Huiling is determined to devote all her life to the cause of art education and contribute all her energy to public welfare and environmental protection.